amaryllis potato, greens
rosary peas boxwood
sweet pea azalea
blue green algae eggplant
balsem pear baneberry
beans, castor black locust
chocolate pikeweed
yew hyacinth
lily of the valley hemlock
holly hydrangea
oak jerusalem cherry
marijuana java bean
rhododendron mistletoe
indian turnip iris
tobacco all types of ivy
juniper narcissus
lobelia mayapple
mock orange virginia creeper
avocado morning glory
privet larkspur
daffodil jimson weed
locoweed sandbox tree
bird of paradise wisteria
snowdrop yam bean
coral plant rhubarb
philodendron poinsettia
christmas candle skunk cabbage
oleander elephant's ear
calla lilly peas, navy, glory
cherry tree foxglove